Welcome to Willow Mills
Welcome to the Willow Mills, Indiana. Willow Mills is a fictional town. It has no corollary in the real world. In fact, it intersects with the real world in only one place: a rock about three feet across out in the middle of the Eel River within six or seven miles of North Manchester, Indiana. It’s a rock on which I sat some years ago writing poetry and dreaming of what I would do with my life. The dreams and poetry have gone the way of dreams and poetry. But the rock is still out there, resisting the gentle current of the Eel River. And it probably will still be there long after the village of Willow Mills has also gone the way of dreams and poetry.
The citizens of Willow Mills hope you will enjoy your visit and invite you to come back often. You can participate in the story by writing your comments on this and future posts.
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